Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Muddy Buddy

This past weekend we went to the Muddy Buddy where they biked, ran, did obstacle courses and crawled through mud. I did this a long time ago with Becky Vermillion...we were BeBe's (Beaudet/Basinger at the time). I was not in a good place in my it was interesting to compare the two experiences...both they were both fun. This was my first time to just be a complete spectator. I took pics and videoed everyone crawling through the mud. That was even a competition for me. I wanted to get the best footage and I yelled SO LOUD and when I heard myself on the video, I thought...OMG, I am LOUD! I was thinking about myself at my children's athletic games and how they will be mortified with my yelling!!! I just cannot curb my enthusiasm during competition. I love it! Should be interesting! Luckily Rich is very subdued or we would be a crazy couple. :)


If you want to be like Jesus, you must care about what he cares about most; you must have a heart for the whole world! You can't be satisfied with just your family and friends coming to Christ. There are over six billion people on earth, and Jesus wants all his lost children found. MORAL: WE ARE HERE ON THIS EARTH TO HELP OTHERS, NOT JUST OURSELVES AND OUR IMMEDIATE FAMILY! :)

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