When I went home, everyone loved little Ellie Belly...I know she is jut a dog...but she is so sweet, so kind to children and just does what any child wants her to...never barks or anything. All the kids begged to hold her and wanted to be with her all the time. I also loved the talent shows that all the kids always put on...it's so fun to watch their magic shows and their dance routines. My nieces are raising pigs again and chickens. Their chickens are actually really pretty. Peyton named all of them and loves them dearly. When we first got to their house we went to look at the chickens and Ellie got in the pen and scared all of them and one flew over the fence...we lost it for about 5 hours...Rich tried looking for it down in their creek for a long time. Luckily it came back. Thank GOODNESS...Peyton was so happy!
I had 12 kids over swimming in my pool this week and I loved it!!! I love to have my house filled with laughter and noise and fun! All the moms came over and I had a lunch for them, I love to entertain...I just want people to have fun! They had Ellie in the pool and and she was so good but I felt so sorry for her as she would just try to swim to the side...I finally just wrapped her up in a towel and told them no more pool for little Ellie. One of the little girls wanted to take her home. And she was crying when she left. I look forward to seeing what Ellie does with my baby boy! Also, I hope that my baby is well-behaved and respectful to adults so he is a blessing, not a burden, when around others...I hope he just loves people and has a kind heart.
I want to teach my children that everyone and everything will change and let you down every now and then...however, the LORD is the one person who will never change what He stands for. Everything that is GOOD comes from the Lord, everything that is corrupt, bad, or evil is never from God and we all need to run from it - always.
"Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows." James 1:17 (NIV)
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